Emergent Functional Foods Are Flooding the Market
Cereal, by most conventions, is a breakfast food. Yes, cereal can also make a great snack, and has been snackified for decades as a familiar and kids-friendly alternative to vegetables and other foods with more tangible (though less saleable) benefits. Not anymore. Post Consumer Brands recently launched its Sweet Dreams cereal, a cereal explicitly designed to be eaten before bedtime. The two flavors of Sweet Dreams—Blueberry Midnight and Honey Moonglow—are designed with vitamins, minerals, and a herbal blend to promote natural melatonin production, lending a whole new aspect to the idea of a kid-friendly nightcap. “The pandemic changed peoples’ attitudes to what they consume and the functional requirements of food and beverages,” said Tim Xenos, founder and CEO of BevPax, “a world-class beverage innovator and private label specialist” per the website. BevPax products are loaded with protein, prebiotics, probiotics, ferments, collagen, and yes, good old-fashioned vitamins. BevPax produces several lines of functional drinks for performance, refreshment, functional, and a line of bottled tea and coffee as well. Coconut and aloe sparkling waters and sodas abound, loaded with natural waters and/or juices from the respective plants along with sugar-free options as well.
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